Converting Toxic Stress into Safe Space, and Revolution into Evolution NOW

Our society has been behaving in a "revolutionary way".  People are reacting and fighting and resisting.  The traumas of the past are being triggered and in order for us to evolve, we can see this time as "a  need to change or develop slowly often into a better, more complex, or more advanced state : to develop by a process of evolution".

As I reflect on my life and my career I see the need for us to grow and change.  I have experienced the benefit of deep reflection and changing my life.  Experiencing the discomfort of feeling my feelings and recognizing how I can manage and use my mind and emotions to improve the quality of my life is how my change evolved.

My awareness of what I really desire has become more clear.  I have gained clarity by aligning my values and desires and then taking action. 

Most recently I have been exploring what made it possible for me to do this work?  It has been being seen and heard in a safe space, both in therapeutic and coaching relationships with real people.  This is where I have begun to see the human experience come to life. 

My big question is, how have I/we been operating without this awareness?  I have come to see that many of my relationships and work situations have been less than "safe" and some more in the realm of "toxic". 

When watching a system evolve the key is noticing that each system is made up of individual people.  I now realize that we as a "society" have not been considering the "human development" of each individual.  Hence my Trauma Informed lens. 

Now that I am more aware that each individual comes to this moment through their own experiences, I can see how the mind can become "scared", "fearful" and "defensive", blocking connection.  Once we acknowledge the fear we can discuss how safety is created so we can connect and grow.

My evolution has included being "trained" and "educated" to understand scientific theory in speech and language development to now understanding how to integrate the mental and emotional parts of my human experience to build wisdom and presence for the actual evolution of others.  The ability to make things "better".  In my experience this has been transformational.  I have gone from wanting to "fix" people and situations to wanting to "improve them" in relationship. 

Two heads and hearts are better than one!

Life keeps getting better, even in a "pandemic" if you are grounded in safety.  I am ready to support you on this transformational journey whenever you are ready!

Change happens in the PRESENT MOMENT - NOW!