Becoming Trauma Informed is a Journey

Becoming Trauma Informed is a journey I started about 10 years ago. I began seeing patterns in the students I provided services for as I learned more about myself and my childhood experiences. It was quite an awakening. It has changed my life. I began reading the work of Dr. Bruce Perry, Dr. Bessel van der Kolk and Dr. Stephen Porges, joining organizations such as ACES Connection, attending conferences by the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University. The most significant work I am doing is put ting together my own story and to understand my triggers and how my reactions which are sometimes subtle, and sometimes pain and discomfort coming up in my heart and the thoughts I have projected in what I say and think about others.

Many of you are familiar with my FaceBook Group ACES for ALL where I provide information and connect with more than 8.5K Members who are committed to exploring the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences and becoming more Trauma Informed. I have adapted the ECHO 7 Areas of Trauma Informed Parenting and Education as they have been my guiding principals along the journey.

Between my Coaching and Therapy along with a healthy relationship with my child, I feel compelled to share this process through a group coaching event.

For 7 sessions, 2 hours each I will offer group coaching to 5 individuals. The topics covered include

  • Safety

  • Regulation of the Nervous System

  • Connected Relationships

  • Cohesive Narrative

  • Power With Strategies

  • Social and Emotional Resilience

  • Healing and Growing

The Group Coaching Intensive is called:
Coaching to Develop Trauma Informed Relating Practices:
An opportunity to implement Trauma Informed Training
Take Action NOW!

I chose the words carefully. I believe we are all developing and growing.

Healing Trauma which is our ultimate goal happens in relationship and how we relate with others can be a practice something we commit to doing thoughtfully in an effort to co-create change.

Coaching provides participants to develop individual goals that are appropriate for their place and space along the Trauma Informed Journey as well as a safe place for them to stay connected with each other between sessions when the event ends. Each member will contribute and together we will build an accountability process that will support the implementation of trauma informed practices.

I hope you will join me for this leg of your Trauma Informed Journey. It is my honor to witness the shift that is taking place as to how we understand each other, where we have come from and how we can stay connected.

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