51 Things you can do that establish a sense of Well Being and Improved Immune Functioning and you don’t / shouldn’t wear a mask while doing them.

  1. Meditate 10 min every day

  2. Practice yoga 20 minutes everyday

  3. Write in your journal everyday

  4. Feel your emotions everyday

  5. Eat healthy food everyday

  6. Have fun everyday

  7. Make and take time in nature everyday

  8. Have a spiritual reflective practice everyday

  9. Connect with others by phone or in person 

  10. Be creative and curious:  write, draw, paint, garden  knit cook…

  11. Dream about what you want your future to look like

  12. Notice self talk and self correct

  13. Be kind to yourself and others

  14. Do something for someone or at least offer

  15. Take a nap - don’t feel guilty

  16. Enjoy a treat - don’t feel guilty

  17. Read a good book or poem

  18. Solve a puzzle/do a puzzle

  19. Count your money and take stock in what you have

  20. Write a note to a family member or a friend

  21. Feel your breath for 5 minutes

  22. Feel your hands and feet for five minutes - notice sensations and watch them pass

  23. Give yourself a massage

  24. Take a bubble bath or epsom salt bath

  25. Pick flowers or buy a bouquet

  26. Say no to something you don’t want or want to do.

  27. Drink lots of water

  28. Ride a bike

  29. Go on, in or near water

  30. Take a walk or walk with a friend or neighbor 6 feet apart

  31. Wave to your neighbors

  32. Clean your house

  33. Give things away

  34. Throw things away

  35. Turn off the news - find a reliable positive source of important information and check briefly

  36. If you are having a lot of challenging emotions call a therapist

  37. If you are having challenges starting a new project or making a transition call a coach

  38. Pet an animal

  39. Take pictures of your favorite people and things

  40. Take time washing and caring for your face and teeth

  41. Contemplate:  “What is your purpose?”

  42. Change your job or living arrangements if you are not happy

  43. Visualize your dream living situation

  44. Visualize your dream work day

  45. Visualize traveling to a place you want to go but have never been

  46. Send loving kindness out into the world

  47. Say thank you

  48. Trust that everything is working out for your highest good

  49. At the end of the day name 10 things for which you are grateful

  50. Go to bed early

  51. Get up early and if there is something on this list you haven’t done try it!